Leontyne Saresh (9)Full unit name: Saresh, Leontyne
Last updated: 22.09.2024 22:18:50
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Twi'lek
Sentient Species
Gender: Female
Known Facts (5)
Taris Resettlement Initiative (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Fantastic, you're back! Governor Saresh needs to speak to you right away - hold on.
    Leontyne Saresh
    How wonderful to see you again! I'm sure you're already noticing the changes your efforts have brought. Rakghoul attacks are down eighty percent in the resettlement zone, and the few we encounter are repelled more easily. Construction crews are back to work - with a bit of arm twisting - and they're developing more ambitious projects. They believe in what we're doing again - thanks to you.
    It's always good to see people fired up about the Republic's work.
    Now that progress is being made, will the Republic send more resources?
    Leontyne Saresh
    I'm doing my best to see that they do. But in spite of our success, we still have some serious challenges.
    Unfortunately, not all of the news is good. Our success has come at a price. The rakghouls we've displaced now threaten our forward expedition teams. We've endangered our most vulnerable projects. The work those teams are doing is critical to reclaiming Taris. If we don't help them, the confidence we've worked so hard to restore could die forever.
    Rakghoul attacks in the wilderness have reached epidemic proportions. Our expedition teams are in danger of being completely wiped out. The scientists and workers on those teams are critical to our plans to expand across Taris. If they can't finish their work, our entire project will fall apart.
    We won't stand by while innocent lives are at risk.
    Aren't there security forces to protect these people?
    Leontyne Saresh
    Of course. And their numbers are dwindling rapidly.
    Hero of Tython
    Your people will get the job done - you've got our word.
    Leontyne Saresh
    I knew I could count on you. Everyone working in that wilderness has lost friends and comrades - they're frightened, and losing hope quickly. I need you to rekindle that hope - to show our people that no enemy is too powerful to overcome.
    The team leads are at Brejik's Run - it was a top-notch swoop track before the Sith attacked.
    Leontyne Saresh
    A speeder will take you out once you're ready. When you land, find my agent, Vealo - he'll be your guide. Hundreds of lives and millions of credits were sacrificed to bring us to this point. Do whatever it takes--our project cannot fail.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Strom, Bardo (from More Reconstruction Efforts)
Reconstruction Efforts (2) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    I'm sure it would work if we had the manpower, but we don't. The numbers just aren't on our side.
    Leontyne Saresh
    Success isn't in the numbers, Chief. We don't need more people - we need the right people.
    Hero of Tython
    Sorry to interrupt. Excuse me, but we were told to meet with Governor Saresh?
    Leontyne Saresh
    Bardo and Strom found you after all, good. Thank you for coming - I'm Governor Saresh. Our goal on Taris is straightforward: rebuild everything the Sith destroyed, and remind the galaxy that the Republic never gives up. But resources are tight, and we have some serious challenges: toxic chemical spills, scavenging pirates and... the wildlife.
    Rakghouls. You've fought your share, I'm sure.
    Where do these creatures come from? How did they get here?
    No one's totally sure. They were here before the Sith bombardment, and their numbers have only grown since then.
    Leontyne Saresh
    The rakghouls use tunnels buried in the ruins to attack by surprise and overwhelm our soldiers. Every work crew we send out is decimated. We came here to achieve the greatest reconstruction project in Republic history. Instead, the workers hide in this outpost like frightened children. No more.
    With respect, it sounds like your men have good reasons to be afraid.
    Leontyne Saresh
    You're right, of course. We have scientists working on locating the rakghouls' lairs. Until they do, we have to settle for the next best thing. Chief Trig has a plan....
    ...A suicidal plan....
    Leontyne Saresh
    ...A bold plan to collapse the tunnels the rakghouls are using to ambush our people. I know you're up for the task.
    Old ventilation shafts still connect a few hubs in the tunnel network to the surface. Drop explosives in enough of them, and the whole thing collapses.
    Don't you have soldiers here who could handle the job?
    Leontyne Saresh
    Large groups of soldiers attract too many rakghouls, just like the work crews. We need to keep this small.
    Hopefully, this will seal the rakghouls' warrens as well as their escape routes.
    Let's hope we're so lucky.
    Leontyne Saresh
    You each have a reputation for handling extraordinary situations. Live up to that reputation. Help us transform Taris into the future of the Republic.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Trig
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    ...I don't care what your plan is! We're not sticking around to get eaten alive. Me and my crew are leaving - period.
    Leontyne Saresh
    If you want to abandon the work you agreed to do for the Republic, I can't stop you. But you aren't leaving. A six-month quarantine requirement has been put into effect. Anyone trying to leave without prior authorization is subject. You can sit in a medical bay and go broke, or you can help us accomplish something unprecedented. It's your choice.
    You shouldn't be so harsh, Governor. These men aren't fighters.
    Leontyne Saresh
    We are what we choose to be.
    This is insane! We're construction workers, we didn't sign up for this!
    Leontyne Saresh
    I know you're going to make the right decision here, Hull. Come back when you do.
    Scouting parties are already reporting lower rakghoul populations. Most of our work crews are gearing up - we're finally gonna get this project moving.
    Is there something more we could do to help, Governor?
    Leontyne Saresh
    Not at the moment - but I'm sure there will be. I'll have Bardo and Strom find you if anything comes up.
    My ancestors called Taris home, once. Thanks to you, millions of people might call it home again someday. Stay safe. And stay in touch.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Hull
More Reconstruction Efforts (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We heard the good news!
    The governor wishes to....
    Leontyne Saresh
    The governor wishes to congratulate you herself. You've done some truly incredible work for Taris - every last person here is in your debt.
    Hero of Tython
    We all have a responsibility to help restore what the Sith have destroyed.
    Leontyne Saresh
    Still, you've taken on a much greater responsibility than most people could. Very few people could have achieved all of this.
    Are there any other problems that need attention, Governor?
    Leontyne Saresh
    You've done so much already - but there is always more. I'm certain there will be many more challenges to overcome as we continue our work. But I'm also certain your heroic example will inspire everyone who works to make Taris the brightest point in the Republic. We're all proud to have had you with us. Travel safely.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Strom, Bardo
The Darkest Tide (1) »


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Galactic Republic
The Darkest Tide (Supreme Chancellor)
Taris Resettlement Authority
Show all (2)DetailsTaris Resettlement Initiative (Governor)Reconstruction Efforts (Governor)
Known roles
Taris Resettlement Authority
All characters this character met
Show all (2)DetailsReconstruction EffortsMore Reconstruction Efforts
Hero of Tython
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Show all (2)DetailsReconstruction EffortsMore Reconstruction Efforts
Kira Carsen
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Elara Dorne
More Reconstruction Efforts
Qyzen Fess
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Aric Jorgan
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Corso Riggs
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Reconstruction Efforts
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Reconstruction Efforts
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Known subordinates, assistants, aides or other individuals on payroll
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Show all (2)DetailsBlaster Brothers Rescue MissionMore Reconstruction Efforts
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Full unit name: Saresh, Leontyne Last updated: 22.09.2024 22:18:50